
It wont stop
It wont stop

it wont stop

  • Ensure that a blood clot forms and stays within the tooth socket.
  • Follow the same instructions as you would with the gauze noted above.
  • One of the main components of tea is tannic acid which aids in the forming of blood clots, thus making tea bags an effective technique to stop bleeding.
  • Ensure the gauze is always positioned well and large enough that it applies pressure directly onto the site of the tooth extraction.
  • Bite firmly on the gauze for 45 – 60 minutes.
  • This will be the part that rests on top of your wound so this is important.

    it wont stop

  • Place a piece of clean damp gauze on top of the tooth socket.
  • This is why it is crucial to discuss your aftercare plan with Stonebridge Dental so we can provide you with personalized care. While this page contains helpful and common aftercare guidelines to follow after having a tooth extraction, your situation could be a special circumstance. If your tooth extraction won’t stop bleeding, contact us immediately so we can determine the best action to take to alleviate the issue. My Tooth Extraction Won’t Stop Bleeding How to care for a tooth extractionĪfter undergoing a tooth extraction, it is important to follow the proper aftercare procedures for at least 24 hours after having your tooth pulled.

    It wont stop